Hey, I'm

A computer science professional with experience in developing technology systems to enhance well-being and quality of life.


I'm a graduate student and a Mastercard Foundation Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. During this professional development phase, I plan on building on my computer science academic background and professional experience by focusing on the relationship between software, information, management, and social impact. I will be specializing in these areas:

  • Software Engineering
  • Machine Learning
  • Product Management




I was the lead software engineer at Flux, which is a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) social tech organization in Nairobi, Kenya. The team comprises young software and environmental engineers passionate about making an impact on the WASH sector of Kenya’s underprivileged communities using software, hardware, and data-driven solutions. The Flux team is on an audacious path with a shared vision of contributing to efforts towards realizing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all)[1]. At Flux, I was responsible for:

  • Project management
  • Coordinating the full-stack development of AccessWASH
  • DevSecOps



At Flux, we developed the flagship product, AccessWASH. It’s a rapidly progressing crowd-sourced platform for mapping and monitoring WASH services across Kenya and beyond. AccessWASH is built using:

  • Next.js
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL



Kenyatta University

I hold a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Kenyatta University in Kenya. I specialized in intelligent systems electives, which included courses in neural networks, data mining and robotics. For my final year project, I developed a dynamic web application for tours and travel agencies. My undergraduate gave me a solid foundation in the following areas:

  • Object-oriented programming
  • Database systems
  • Information systems management


I am proficient in full-stack engineering, desktop app development and database management tools. I have intermediate knowledge of mobile app development. My programming stack include:

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • TypeScript

  • Java

  • Python

  • Node.js

  • Next.js

  • React

  • Django

  • DjangoREST

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL


My interest in computing coincides with my enthusiasm for the ongoing Information Age. Information is a powerful tool in empowering, transforming lives, and shaping the world. I long for a world where personalized and high-quality information is accessible to everyone. This is what has shaped my professional journey.

I have had the privilege of working at a social tech enterprise, where we developed a web application that solves an information puzzle around empowering Kenyan communities to become data storytellers and active advocates for improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services. It is a personal mission which I am honored to contribute to.

I'm playing a part in the Information Age by creating the tools and technologies that make this revolution possible. Looking forward, I'm eager to blend advanced software engineering and machine learning techniques into my information expertise and contribute to communities that need them the most.

Away from my tech pursuits and passionate ideas, I get stoked when taking adventures to new places. I'm happiest when I'm learning (especially anything metaphysics or psychology). I'm a space nerd. I have a diverse taste in music, all the way from traditional classical musics to modern house fusions. Here's what I'm currently playing:

Let's Get In Touch

Please feel free to reach out directly about my experience and potential research collaborations.

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